I am on an adventure to discover the benefits and joy of couponing. I do not plan or expect to become an extreme couponer. I want simple savings for my family in which I can translate that savings into family vacation time each year.

Lessons from the newbie #2

Read your coupons. There is fine print on those beauties. Sometimes this holds fine print that if not careful can derail your shopping trip.

You will find restrictions such as only 4 like coupons in a single trip. You may have 20 but to use them all would mean 5 transactions.

Read those BOGO coupons. Some of these have price restrictions. This may not give you a completely free item if it exceeds the price limit. For example, that deodorant BOGO coupon allows the free item to be redeemed up to $2.99 but the purchase price is $3.99. You will be responsible to pay the additional $1.

Read those size limitations. It may appear in the fine print. Watch for size specifics or generalizations such as trial size exclusions.

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