Visit your local staples to redeem your 20 free holiday cards. This can be done online as well as over the phone.
Click here for your coupon
*Online and phone result in shipping fees. *Not all stores offer ship to store so check with your local staples.
Already have enough holiday cards? Visit your local staples to redeem your 20 free cards then send them to:
Holiday Mail For Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
20 Free Holiday Cards from Staples
Free burger from Wendys
Get a FREE W Cheeseburger from Wendy's
I was able to print 2 off each link giving my family of 4 a free burger for each.
Coupon Karma
Ever heard of coupon karma?
This is when you take a few extra coupons you have left over that you place next to the product it is good for. Maybe you have 10 but could only get 8 products so you leave the extra 2 for when they restock. Maybe you simply have a coupon you will not use and you want to pass it on.
I do this so the coupon karma grants me my coupon wishes and I continue to have good luck. No need to be greedy or selfish so this keeps me in check as well. I don't want to get to a point of being selfish or feeling I want to keep others from getting a good deal.
Most have their own reasons for coupon karma but these are mine.
Do you practice coupon karma?
10 Free Holiday Photo Cards
Enter code HAPPY10FREE at checkout
Free Syringe Pen from nomorerack
Fun, fabulous and FREE today! Get a little medical with your handwriting using this cool Sharp Syringe Ball Point Pen from nomorerack. Shipping is only $0.99. There are no friend referrals for this freebie. Visit nomorerack to login/register to grab your free syringe pen.
40 FREE Prints at Walgreens
Get 40 FREE 4x6 prints at Walgreens when you use code DRUGSTORE40 at checkout. Select in-store pick up and no shipping charges!
Only 40 free 4×6 prints per customer. Valid for one use per account thru November 1, 2011. Photo cart must include your 40 4×6 prints at time of checkout to qualify. Discount does not apply on collage prints, taxes or shipping charges. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Multiple coupon codes may or may not be used based on cart contents. Offer valid online only.
Couponing has changed me
In many ways couponing has changed me. All for the better I believe.
First, I have learned to be aware of cost. I am aware of what is considered a good price and what is considered a high price. I now compare prices and check prices. For example, I had purchased my favorite ravioli in 4 packs until I realized the 4 packs was roughly $0.25 more than buying them individually. This has happened a few times. I now break out that calculator and break down the cost to ensure I have received the best price.
I am trying products I thought I could not afford. I always purchased products I felt were within my budget and never thought much of it. Now I see I can purchase those same products at a bargain. I purchase far more name brand items that are now lesser than store brand. I even shop at places such as Bath and Body Works during their sales because I know how to work it.
How I eat has changed. In some ways I am eating and drinking better. I buy more water at a great price since I do not like the taste of tap water. I drink more juice and less soda although we find more soda bargains. Juice normally does not reside in my home. It was always considered costly and only came home during illness or occasionally. Now I can purchase it at break prices at drink it often.
I am at times challenged with eating certain meals in a different way. Take for instant cheap cheese pizza. From the start they are junk food. Instead of eating as is I add to it such as sauted chopped turkey, fresh tomatoes, and fresh basil. Add a salad on the side and voila a meal that is no longer just junk. My family now thinks I have superior cooking skills while I am proud I made something that was junk alone and made it better.
Junk food turned Gourmet
I have mentioned it from time to time how I do not always take certain premade foods at face value. I like to change them up and even make them better.
My favorite is cheap pizza. I love taking a plain cheese pizza and turning it into a gourmet type version. This week I have been topping my pizza with various toppings.
Look at this lunch I made
This is a totinos cheese pizza topped with bacon, mushrooms, baby spinach, roma tomatoes, and provolone cheese. It makes it quite a hearty meal that can certainly be shared by 2-4 people. What makes this even better is all this was purchased thanks to coupons. Some directly from coupons. The rest because of overage or deep savings from other items purchased with coupons.
Just because you look at something as being junk food does not mean it has to stay junk food. I am comfortable feeding meals like this to my kids. Today my 22 month old nephew helped me to enjoy this meal.
This may not be your high dollar gourmet but this is a great way to bring gourmet to your table in a very cost effective way that you family will love!
Do you reinvent premade meals purchased with coupons?
Lessons from the newbie #2
Read your coupons. There is fine print on those beauties. Sometimes this holds fine print that if not careful can derail your shopping trip.
You will find restrictions such as only 4 like coupons in a single trip. You may have 20 but to use them all would mean 5 transactions.
Read those BOGO coupons. Some of these have price restrictions. This may not give you a completely free item if it exceeds the price limit. For example, that deodorant BOGO coupon allows the free item to be redeemed up to $2.99 but the purchase price is $3.99. You will be responsible to pay the additional $1.
Read those size limitations. It may appear in the fine print. Watch for size specifics or generalizations such as trial size exclusions.
Create a game plan
I like to shop so staying on budget is always a challenge for me. To combat this I have worked out a little strategy that seems to do well for me. I have a game plan each and every trip.
I make a list of what I need based on how
many meals I need for that particular shopping trip. How we typically
eat is 1 meat, 1 veggie, 1 side dish for each dinner. Breakfast are usually simple meals so nothing complicated and I just work
with how much cereal, eggs, or quick meals will work for that time
frame. Same with lunch. I stick with quick meals, sandwich ingredients. The snacks. I look for snacks I break down to smaller ones such as chips that I can baggie to make portioned single serve. Even if I have enough meals I always shop with meals in mind so I always have enough no matter what.
Next I scope out the local ads for what is on sale with the best
prices and create my meal plan. I clip coupons based on my list and
create a reasonable budget. I tend to have the same budget each shopping trip so it almost never changes. I usually see $150 per week. This way I can shop weekly and get the best deals of the month.I break that budget down to how many stores I will be shopping at. Don't be store loyal. You may find great deals at other stores. Plan on a minimum of a 2 store run.
Before I hit the store I have a small snack
(never go to the store hungry). Now this may sound crazy at times when you have just eaten 1 hour prior but having food in the belly keeps those cravings at bay. What I like to have is a half sandwich with some nutella and a juice. I tend to crave sweets and junk food. This is a better alternative to chips and soda. If I have not eaten at all I eat directly before going. Sometimes this is better because I have that satisfied and even a full feeling while shopping. Those cookies I pass by do not look as tempting on a full stomach. It also prevents me from buying a snack for the trip home. This can be a last minute addition to your trip and throw your budget off.
At the store I use that calculator. This
keeps me very aware of what I am spending so I make good choices and
not always tempted to grab those extras when I see my total getting
dangerously close to my budget. I round up so if I put something in my
cart that is $1.75 I calculate as $2 or $0.34 rounded up to $0.50.
I also do not deduct for coupons. This part sounds strange to many people but what if you forgot to check with the store coupon policy and found that coupons are no longer accepted? You are responsible for the full value or you must walk back to place things back on the shelf to reorganize your shopping. Also what happens if you enter a price on your calculator incorrectly and instead of putting on $10.00 you only put in $1. Not calculating this coupons can help with a variety of issues you may come across and allow a buffer for those opps moments.
If my total is under my budget before coupons I will look for those
items I can get on great deals to add to my stockpile. I do not add more than my original budget before coupons. This week I did
this with hamburger helper from Walgreens since I could get it for $0.75
a box after coupons. I went in expecting to pay $6 and came out spending $4.50.
When I hit the register and see my total as being
$100 and my budget was $150 I put that money into savings to either help
build my stockpile, save for those times my budget will be smaller, or
save for something special like a vacation. Don't think wow I can go spend more. No No NO! This will only contribute to over spending. Just put it away and use it for the next great sale that will add to your stockpile.
For me this is a mind trick.
I know there is savings coming off that bill but it forces me to truly
evaluate how I shop. I make sure to make the best possible choices for that shopping trip.
Creating a shopping strategy that works for you is so important. Use what I do or create one all your own. No matter what you want to go in with a plan. No plan and you are not shopping smart.
Lessons from the newbie - #1
Something important as I learn the art of couponing is to know coupon policies of each store I shop. Never assume you can or cannot use coupons at any store. Never assume you can or cannot stack coupons at any store. Visit your favorite store's website or simply call and ask about their coupon policy. Don't be afraid to ask. Knowing this information can prevent misunderstanding and frustration at check out.
Print those policies and place in your coupon organizer for reference. Having a printed copy can also help at checkout when a misunderstanding comes about that is in your favor. When a misunderstanding arises politely pull out your printed store policy to help clear the matter. Getting angry, yelling, rudeness, or causing a scene will not resolve the matter even if you are in the right.
Check your store's policies often to make sure there is no change as these can happen without notice.
Be sure to be aware of any limits of coupons are specific policies for large quantities. These specific policies may not be found in your store coupon policy but rather their general policies so be sure to read these thoroughly.
20 Free 4x6 Prints
This week only get 20 free 4x6 instant prints from your Facebook account at CVS. Great time to print out those vacation photos or pics of the kiddos for grandparents.
Free Breathe Right Strips
In the Kmart ads this week there is a coupon for FREE Breathe Right 2ct strips when you visit your Kmart Pharmacist. Valid through 10/22/2011 so clip that coupon and head to your Kmart pharmacy to get yours. You can only redeem 1 at a time.
Free Cloth and Cleaner
Free lens cloth and cleaner from Walmart Vision Center. Click here to get your coupon and take into your Walmart Vision Center to receive yours.
Free Kettle Chips
Kettle Brand Potato Chips is giving away 30,000 bags of free chips. Head on over to their Facebook page and enter to get yours. These won't last to hurry to grab yours.
You may need to reload the page several times as it may time out.
Coupons for overseas military
Before you toss those expired coupons consider sending to military families. There are several sites out there or maybe you have a friend or family member who is in the military stationed overseas. Either way these are still useful. Gather other family and friends who coupon and purge those coupon organizers once a month of expired coupons to send to groups dedicated to distributing coupons to overseas military families.
Commissaries overseas accept expired coupons up to six months old. You can help by sending your expired or non-expired coupons.
Here is one group that will distribute those expired coupons to overseas military families
Send your coupons to:
Coups For Troops
PO Box 147
Winnabow NC 28479
You do not want to send coupons past 2 months expired. These can take time to get sorted, organized, and distributed.
Do not send coupons that are for local brands only. These will not be sold overseas so they cannot be used.
I have seen a few sites recommend not sending printed coupons off the internet due to risk of counterfeits. I do not have a confirmation of this but be aware these may not be something that can be used.
Do not send store specific coupons. These cannot be used at base commissaries.
If you are sending more than a small envelope of coupons be sure to categorize them
* Food products
* Health and Beauty products
* Baby products
* Pet products
* Non-Food - anything that does not fit the above categories.
The best way to send coupons is in baggies. They are lightweight and easy to use.I like the sandwich, non-zip bags. You can still keep these organized and they are the most lightweight and least bulky.
Couponing to Dinner
Couponing does not have to end at the grocery store. Watch and collect coupons for your favorite restaurant. Many have birthday clubs you can join giving you a free meal. Look for a Facebook or Twitter account for your favorite restaurant as well. Christmas time many offer free gift cards when so many are purchased. Not only do you have Christmas presents but you have a gift card for yourself. Use it on your next free birthday meal to cover anything in addition. Watch those receipts. You may get a free dessert or appetizer on your next visit just for completing a survey. Purchase gift cards from for a reduced price. Purchase a entertainment book and share with family and friends. You can even share the cost and divide the coupons. Couponing to meals works great for vacation. Save money on those trips. How do you like to coupon to dinner?
Use that calculator
I use to think a calculator was an inconvenient tool that just got in the way of my shopping. I have seen a huge difference between times of using one and not using one. I will way overspend when not using a calculator. After making this mistake enough times I use a calculator every grocery trip.
The calculator does a few things for me:
* Keeps me on track with my budget
* Helps me be aware at all times of what I am spending
* Makes me think about purchases and whether they fit into my budget
Couponing is great for those budgets but if you can't stay on budget your hard work is useless. Buy an inexpensive calculator your next shopping trip if you do not have one. Use it each and every shopping trip. Keep it in your coupon organizer or your purse.
Write a letter
I seen others do this so I decided I was going to start writing and emailing my favorite companies to tell them how much I love their products. When I do this many have either emailed or even mailed me coupons. I never ask for them. I simply tell them I love their product or give feedback and leave it at that. I have even been sent samples.
Have you done this?
Why get samples?
I post several links for free samples on my Facbook fan page and while some understand why others have asked why.
Not only are you getting a great sample but most samples are sent with coupons. I use the coupons and save the samples for later use. One of the most frequent sample I have acquired over the years is toothpaste and deodorant. I use the samples for vacation or those times you run out and need it now.
I often have quite the stash of samples. I do request samples when their is a product I have yet to try and wish to.
No matter your reason requesting samples is always a good idea in my book.
Walgreens shopping scenario for this week 8/7 - 8/13
I have a great simple and cheap Walgreens shopping scenario for this week 8/7 - 8/13:
Transaction 1 -
Buy 4 trial size degree deodorants $0.99 ea
Buy 1 palmolive dish liquid $0.89 with walgreens coupon (found in this weeks walgreens paper)
1 box splenda essentials 80ct $2.99
Use 4 $0.75 degree deodorant coupons (found in 7/31 redplum)
Use 1 $0.25 palmolive coupon (unsure which week I found this one, sorry)
Use $3/1 splenda essentials coupon (found in 7/31 smartsource)
final price $1.60
Receive $4 RR
Transaction 2 -
Buy 3 general mills cereal 3/$7
2 2pack expo markers $0.99
Use $1/3 general mills cereal
Use $2/2 expo marker coupon (like expo marker fan page to receive coupon)
Use $4 RR
Final cost - $2
$16.82 worth of products for only $3.60. That is nearly 80% off!
For $3.60 you will purchase
4 trial size deodorants
3 boxes general mills cereal
2 packs expo markers
1 box splenda essentials
1 palmolive liquid dish soap
You can create your own shopping scenarios by checking your walgreens paper and matching with your coupon stash.
Prices may vary based on region so be sure to check prices in your area to determine final price.
Free Bic Pens

Starting today (Monday, August 1, 2011), BIC will be giving away pens! Go "like" their page and watch for your chance to get free pens!
$1off Reach Floss Product
SAVE $1.00 on any REACH® Floss Product...
Just go to
At my local Walmart Reach Floss is only $0.88 so this ends up free plus $0.12 credited to my total purchase.
My coupon organizer
From Olivia's Disney Adventures
I bought a nice coupon organizer that is easy to carry and works beautifully for me during my shopping trips. The only problem is it was plain. It had what I needed so I didn't want to just wait for the perfect one. My solution? Visit the scrapbooking aisle at Michaels.
I have seen these emroidered stickers forever at Michaels but could never justify buying them. I know I know how can I not justify anything with Disney but it is true. I didn't want to buy them only to find them buried in my craft drawer and never use them anyways.
So today was the day to make a quick stop at Michaels on the way home from my Disney store visit. Brought them home and immediately placed them on my coupon organizer. Guess what? They are perfect! I am going to permanently attach them using E6000 adhesive found at craft stores or even Walmart. A 5 minute craft project that anyone can do and voila the perfect coupon organizer that fits me perfectly and I didn't even break a sweat!
Now I have a coupon organizer that nobody else around me has. Even better is I found the stickers on sale! It also serves as a reminder of why I coupon. That extra savings goes right to my savings account for those future Disney trips!
You don't have to be super talented to make something. Just a little imagination and a few minutes or your time is all you need.
Email for Couponing
I have signed up for several coupon sites and newsletters that it has become difficult to keep track and make sure I am not missing out.
For that reason I started a new email just for my couponing. I can still manage all my email as I forward the emails to my main email address. This just allows me to log in and handle just all my couponing needs without having to weed through my personal and business emails (which I will add I have a separate email for business that I forward to my main email).
If this sounds like you, create a dedicated email address for your couponing as well. I personally use gmail for this but you can use what you are comfortable with.
I just recently came across and found great deals on local restaurants. I found GC for up to 75% off!
Go visit and see what GC you can pick up for great discounts!
Use coupon code SWEET at checkout and receive 70% off your order!
Entertainment Books
If you like to use those entertainment book coupons this is a great time to get one! 2 books for $10 and free shipping! If you are vacationing soon get one for your vacation destination and your home town or get 2 local ones and share with a family member or friend. You can preview what is in the book. Just enter your local zip code or the city of where you may be vacationing to see what is in the book. My city has great coupons for things I use including my favorite restaurants! The coupon for my favorite restaurant pays for the book alone! Go check yours out!
Start A Coupon Train
Even with just starting couponing I still come across coupons I have no interest in using. So why not pass them on? Start a coupon train with your local family and friends. I am starting one very soon.
How this will work is every 2 weeks or so we will start with an envelope of coupons with a certain amount of coupons available. The person I pass on to will take as many coupons as they need. They will replace those coupons with new coupons. For example, if they take 10 coupons they will replace with 10 new ones. Once they have done so they will pass it on to the next person. This will continue until it comes back to the first person.
This will be an organized train with a certain group of people. As more and more wish to be included we will start new groups. I am capping the groups off at 5-6 depending on the number of participants. Once we have more than 1 group we will change the group from time to time to get a new flow of coupons moving through at all times. This will begin with our close family and friends so the train is easily passed on.
Do you have family and friends couponing? Start your own coupon train!
If you have a store savings card you need to check out and register on You can load your savings card with electronic coupons as well as print coupons to use at any store.
Disney Store
Save 20% off your entire purchase at participating Disney Stores or at now through 7/24/2011
Click here for coupon
There are several ways you can get a free DVD rental from Redbox.
Look on specially marked packages of popcorn. My recent grocery trip included a box of Orville Redenbacher Pop Up Bowl with 2 free 1 night DVD rentals from Redbox. I have also seen these on pizza.
Create an account,at Redbox to rent online and receive one free rental just for signing up (this does not limit you to renting at the redbox kiosks)
Join the text club for Free Movie Mondays (you will receive a text message to your mobile phone providing you with a free rental code)
Tell your friends using the refer-a-friend program and earn free one day rental credits
Try redbox for FREE: Enter promo code DVDONME (valid at the kiosk only)
V8 Fusion + Energy
I love the new V8 Fusion + Energy. Not only do I get a little juice I can get me a pick me up when I need it.
$1 Off Any One (1) V8 V-Fusion® + Energy Beverage or V8 V-Fusion® Juice 8-oz. 6-Pack. Available Only At Walmart. (other V8 coupons also available)
I have recently signed up with and really love all they have. Not only just coupons for every day items but also local coupons for places such as restaurants.
Dairy Queen BOGO Blizzard
Join the DQ Blizzard Fan Club and get a welcome BOGO coupon upon signing up. You also get 6 BOGO coupons during the year.
Join the Blizzard Fan Club
McDonalds BOGO
Here is a BOGO (buy one get one free) for McDonalds Strawberry Lemonade, Fruit Smoothies, or Frappes
For years I watch people talk about using coupons to get the best deal. I always thought that is just too much work to save a few dollars? I was wrong. You just have to understand how coupons work and savings is more than just a couple dollars.
I want finding savings all over and not just at the grocery store.
I was recently at Bath and Body Works to check out the clearance items. I was given a coupon to use to save $10 on my purchase of $30 or more. Not only did I find items from 50-90% off but I got an extra $10 off. I ended up with $134 (before tax) worth of product for $36 (after tax). Now that isn't all coupon savings but just another way to increase savings with coupons.
That is the key it seems in some of the coupon savings. Match with sales, other coupons, or bundle items that cause the other item to save. Of course I am new and still more to learn but I am excited to see what I can save.
As I save on my monthly budget I plan to move that savings over to a savings account that will help fund our family vacation. We have a big one next summer so any little extra is always helpful.